Congratulations grant awardees
Congratulations grant awardees: Dr. Gabi Zafrir (BSF & ISF), Dr. Shahar Hadar (ISF), Dr. Dean Carmi (NSF-BSF), Prof. Joshua Feinberg (BSF), Prof. Doron Chelouche (ISF).
Department of Physics
Advertisements of recent activities in the department.
Congratulations grant awardees: Dr. Gabi Zafrir (BSF & ISF), Dr. Shahar Hadar (ISF), Dr. Dean Carmi (NSF-BSF), Prof. Joshua Feinberg (BSF), Prof. Doron Chelouche (ISF).
Congratulations to our new faculty member, Dr. Gonen Golani, who will join us on October 1, 2023. Dr. Golani is a biophysicist specializing in the physics of viruses.
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Black Hole Astrophysics. The Department of Physics at the University of Haifa (UoH) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in black hole astrophysics. Applications are welcome from all fields of astrophysics. Prior experience with data analysis of time-series, X-ray spectroscopy and/or polarimetry, AGN physics, radiative transfer, interferometric imaging, and black hole physics, are of particular relevance for this call. The successful candidate will be offered a competitive scholarship, relocation expenses, computer facilities, and travel funds, and will be encouraged to pursue independent research. She or he will also be expected to work with Dr. Shahar Hadar and Prof. Doron Chelouche on the development and implementation of techniques for analyzing black hole observational data, and to interact with other postdoctoral members of the astrophysics group. There is a strong collaboration between research groups at different Israeli institutions, and group members often collaborate with neighboring groups at Tel-Aviv University and the Technion. Relevant infrastructure includes high-performance computing facilities and an observatory (~1m telescope). For inquiries about the position please contact Dr. Shahar Hadar ( or Prof. Doron Chelouche ( Applicants are asked to email a description of research achievements and future plans, a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, and arrange for three letters of reference to be emailed to Dr. Shahar Hadar ( by Dec. 15th 2021. Consideration of applications will commence thereafter and will continue until the position is filled. The starting date can be immediate (please indicate availability to assume the position in your application form). Applicants should have a PhD by the anticipated starting date.
A tenure track position is available. The Department of Physics at the University of Haifa invites applications for a tenure track position at the senior lecturer level (equivalent to the rank of assistant professor) in theoretical or experimental biophysics, to begin in October 2023. Exceptional senior candidates will be considered for appointment at higher ranks. The applicant must have a Ph.D in physics or biophysics , have a strong track record of research activity and is expected to develop an internationally recognized research group, advise graduate and postgraduate students, and attract external funding. The newly recruited faculty member is expected to teach in Hebrew at the undergraduate and graduate levels with special emphasis on courses in biophysics. The deadline for applications is December 20, 2022. Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, a list of publications, a research and teaching statements, and arrange 3 recommendation letters to be sent to the head of the search committee; Prof. Gilad Lifschytz website
Welcome new faculty members. We welcome Dr. Matan Mussel and Dr. Shahar Hadar. Matan is a biophysicist with expertise in the biological physics of cells. Shahar is a physicist with expertise in gravitational physics and the physics of black holes.
Congratulations grant awardee. Congratulations to Dean Carmi for being awarded a personal ISF grant.
Department of Physics | Multi-purpose Building (room 191) | University of Haifa
POB: 3338, 199 Abba Khoushy Ave., Mount Carmel, Haifa 3103301 | Israel |