Ady Stern (Weizmann Institute of Science) | How low can electronic resistance go? |
Electronic resistance is a fundamental notion both in condensed matter physics and in everyday life, where it is a source of heating caused by electronic currents. Typically, resistance originates from electrons scattering off impurities. However, even a perfectly clean system harbors a resistance, inversely proportional to the number of its conduction channels. Recent theories have shown that scattering of the flowing electrons off one another reduces this resistance, raising the question of its lower bound. Here we show that for a fixed number of channels the resistance may be practically eliminated, and give a transparent physical picture of this elimination.
When: May 25, 2022 2:00 PM (Israel Standard Time).
Where: over Zoom
In addition, you might be also interested in a new online course, titled “Topological Quantum Matter”. The teachers in the course are a group of Weizmann Institute PIs and alumni – Ady Stern, Yuval Oreg, Yuval Ronen, Raquel Queiroz, Erez Berg, Shahal Ilani, Haim Beidenkopf, Binghai Yan, Roni Ilan, Nurit Avraham and Moty Heiblum. The course is available on two online education platforms, EDX and CampusIL. Click here or here to view a trailer of the course.